Entry Requirements COVID-19 - Bill Beard Costa Rica
Entry Requirements COVID-19

Fully Vaccinated Travelers and Minors

Starting on August 1, fully vaccinated tourists and all minors will no longer be required to show Covid travel insurance


Costa Rica will stop requiring a health insurance policy for minors and for adults who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the country announced Friday.

The measure takes effect starting August 1, 2021. As of that date, minors (under 18) and those who are fully vaccinated can enter Costa Rica as tourists without purchasing a travel health insurance policy.

In order to qualify, adults must:

  • Have received an approved vaccine: Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or Johnson & Johnson.
  • The last dose of the schedule must have been administered at least 14 days before entering Costa Rica.
  • Proof must be demonstrated with a document that includes the person’s full name, date of each dose, formula, and lot number.
  • For U.S. visitors, the Covid-19 vaccination record card meets the requirement.

Costa Rica Entry Requirements for Tourists

For international guests entering Costa Rica, visitors will need to do the following. Entry requirements do change so please verify the most up-to-date travel requirements prior to your travel.

  1. NO NEGATIVE COVID TEST IS REQUIRED. Costa Rica no longer requires a negative COVID test to enter the country.
  2. Complete the online health form (Health Pass). Everyone entering Costa Rica will continue to be required to complete the Health Pass, an epidemiological form. This must be filled out during the 72 hours before arriving in Costa Rica. – https://salud.go.cr
  3. Purchase a Travel Insurance Policy if you are not fully vaccinated or a minorVisitors must purchase travel insurance for the duration of their trip to cover medical expenses and accommodation (see exception for Fully vaccinated and Children under the age of 18). If you need insurance, please see the requirements below

FULLY VACCINATED TRAVELERS AND MINORS: On July 9, 2021, the Costa Rican health department announced that visitors who are fully vaccinated and all minors (under 18) DO NOT NEED to purchase and show travel insurance starting on August 1, 2021. You will need to show proof of vaccination with Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Astra-Zeneca, or Johnson and Johnson. These are the only approved vaccines that meet this entry requirement at this time. The document must include your full name, the date you received each dose. The vaccine must have been administered at least 14 days prior to the date of entry. You will need to upload your vaccination card on the health pass and show it to the airlines at check-in so make sure to carry it with you as well as a copy.

Acquiring medical insurance for unvaccinated travelers


Tourists must acquire mandatory travel insurance that covers lodging in the event of quarantine as well as medical expenses due to contracting COVID-19.

If the tourist has already been vaccinated, this does not exempt them from this requirement, and they must acquire an insurance policy as described. This requirement remains in force.

International Policies

Please inquire if you need recommendations for International Policies)

The insurance policy may be obtained from any international insurance company that meets the following requirements:

  1. Valid for the entire stay in Costa Rica (coverage dates).
  2. 50,000 USD for medical expenses, including those from COVID-19.
  3. 2,000 USD for lodging expenses in the event of COVID-19 quarantine.

Please request a certificate or letter from the insurance company, in English or Spanish, that indicates the following:

  1. Traveler’s name.
  2. Effective dates of the policy during the visit in Costa Rica (travel dates).
  3. Guaranteed coverage of at least 50,000 USD for medical expenses in the event of contracting COVID-19 in Costa Rica.
  4. Minimum coverage of 2,000 USD for lodging expenses due to quarantine or travel interruption.

This certificate must specify that the policy covers COVID-19 and must be attached to the HEALTH PASS for review and approval by the Costa Rican authorities. Insurance cards are not accepted. The information must be provided in the form of a document.

Costa Rican Policies

Tourists can also opt for any of the following Costa Rican insurance companies, which sell products that are registered and authorized by the Office of the Superintendent General of Insurance of Costa Rica. 

INS: https://www.grupoins.com/seguros-para-viajero/seguro-viajero-ingreso-costa-rica/ 

Sagicor: https://tiendasagicor.com/en/ 

IMPORTANT: For international policies, the minimum coverage has been set at USD 50,000. However, the minimum coverage for policies sold by Costa Rican insurance companies is USD 20,000.